I knew something ugly and underhanded was going on. I was unaware of the depth of the racism. But I've seen power move against people who challenge it before. That's where my money was for sure. Thank you for all of this.

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This is SOP for the Dem party. White supremacy is part of it, but they use the same tactics against any candidate or organization that does not tow the party line. It is sad to see DSA and other supposedly progressive orgs bend over to support the Dems in kneecapping another progressive. It also sounds like Shahid’s staff were mainline Dem political operatives placed there to monkey wrench his campaign.

The question is, “What do we do now?”.

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Whatever lies were told—and they were certainly told; whatever mistakes were made—and they were definitely made, the notion that Shahid's staff were "mainline Dem political operatives placed there to monkey-wrench his campaign" is just plain ludicrous and smacks of the same sort of conspiratorial claptrap I'd expect from the far-right. We're talking about DSA and other true, big-S Socialists and further left, at least the ones I know. One comes from a longtime Marxist-run state in India and is very proud of that.

Furthermore, intellectual honesty would demand an acknowledgement that the Democrats had no need to deploy operatives to deal with a competitor who, although the most serious threat Pelosi had faced in decades, would not have come anywhere near defeating her even in a scandal-free race. Tantrums were thrown over Pelosi's refusal to debate Shahid. Why should she have? He would have trounced her on policy but sadly, San Francisco loves Pelosi because—as we see by the lack of a single true Socialist or even a Green on our Board of Supervisors and the insipidly centrist mayors we keep electing—this town just ain't as progressive as too many people believe it to be. I love Dean Preston and a few of the others but where's our Kshama Sawant?

So the notion that there would be any need to sort of Democratic subterfuge or skullduggery, with so much risk and so little reward—or need—just flies in the face of logic.

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Brett, I agree with you 100 percent that it flies in the face of logic. I was so resistant to claim democratic involvement as well. But I have just seen that it definitely was. Sally Albright who is the same woman who smeared Bernie Sanders was 100 percent involved as well as the Khive from day one. The racist part is that when these people were involved in taking down any of the other candidates, we stood with them. Berniecrats did not unendorse Bernie for being a sexist boss, which he was accused of by dem operatives. I don’t know if you are talking about Raya or Emily in your comment. However, just to let you know the same day that Sally Albright smeared Bernie Sanders at the women’s convention (which I helped do media around and attended), Raya created the unverified Metoo list in India accusing Muslim men of crimes with no proof. Raya was called out by many socialist women for creating a list that had no proof and lying about caste. No women to come forward in many of the situations described. I am sorry but it looks exactly the same as what happened here. Oddly enough Raya did an interview with Washington Post that said she was a survivor, but the story was the same one fabricated that Shahid did to the volunteer who insists it was not true. Word for word. Just because the DSA is socialist doesn’t mean there can not be racism.

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And one more comment, don’t we think it is insincere when people keep saying Shahid lost, so he shouldn’t run again. We all knew he was not likely to win. That is not why I was involved. I was involved to move the issues forward after Bernie got out of the race. It takes a long time to run against establishment. He needs to keep going. And we shouldn’t fall for fake attacks. I am a survivor and do earned media for the me too, labor and criminal justice movements for close to two decades. I have to believe what I saw with my own two eyes.

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This is the post where Raya (identifying as female at the time) said that a professor pimped her out which is the same story made up of Shahid doing to a volunteer who says this is not true.


Kavita Krishnan, Secretary of the All India Progressive Women’s Association, said that she stood opposed to the list because it bypassed the process of justice. “What concerns activists in such situations [where village communities back a person alleging harassment or abuse] is that it is so common for young Dalit or Muslim men to be accused of anonymously (without any woman actually having to come forward as a complainant as some women or men claim to be her proxy) and lynched,” wrote Krishnan.


Here is the article noting what happened with Sally Albright.


We also know that Emily Jones worked for Kamala Harris.

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Sally Albright accounts were what made Liz Croydon’s post more seen. I have some screenshots, but she had been removed from twitter for this reason.

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We call it out so it does not happen again. Please help share this and contact me if you want to know how to send it to media. I am at patricia@matchmapmedia.com. I was a volunteer on campaign. I can say what gloria said is true and then some.

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When I first heard the accusations, I had a feeling this was what was happening. SF Dems are too quick to join smear campaigns based on nothing, all of which seems to serve the establishment being propped up very well. Thanks for taking the time to share this.

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Just wow.

These accusers sound like they’re in middle school.

How tragic that they scuppered our best chance to depose Pelosi.

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it never ceases to amaze me how people can’t get past their BS and instead look at people and life squarely in the face and operate from a point of truth.

Gloria - I’m so sorry that you and Shahid had to go and still are going through this kind of racism. It is unacceptable. I am appalled that people who claim they are on the far left are still operating under such a veil of deceit, petulance, ego, and childish self-centered fear instead of out of the love the movement proclaims to embrace.

Thanks for fighting the good fight and for not compromising your values despite pressure to do so. ultimately, this is what creates change and Lord knows our world needs to change. Keep that beautiful spirit strong.

Best of wishes to you and Shahid.

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Thank you!Claim to be far left! yep

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Dear Navy officer when you make blood money it’s hard to tell the truth. Go back to the military they truly respect women’s rights and that’s where you belong.

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Never heard that one before。

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Glad I was the first to tell you. 11 years is along time. How many wars was that? Do you even remember the wars? Can you name the wars? How long did it take you to realize you need another profession? Some folks are slow at remembering.

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Insulting is expected。If you feel I don‘t have credibilty thats fine。I have receipts and witnesses。If thats not enough for you thats ok。If you think I supported war than you dont know me。I actually married someone to get out I hated it so much。

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How is that an insult. Thank you for making me a refugee. I am a proud Iranian-American now.

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It took you 11 years to get out and then you worked for the prison system. While you saluted your Navy Officers and generals Iranians civilians died on an airplane due to US Navy actions. When you got out of poverty, Iranians died on a civilian airliner shot down by USS Vincent. Did your cheer seeing those deaths at the age of sweet 18 or 19? Did you high five your fellow officers? That killed 290 civilians but your brain could only process your own predicament? I am a refugee because of US actions in the Middle East. When I came to this country my family of 6 lived in a 1 bedroom dorm room. My parents had the bed room and me and my 3 brothers slept on the floor of smelly carpet in a living room. Thanks to them getting an education in the US we are out of poverty and ok now. Do you know what it’s like to be beaten up at elementary, middle and high school by every race because my mom put on a head scarf and would pick me up after school? How many time’s I was sent to the hospital from the school yard on an ambulance? I so wish she didn’t put on the scarf as I would be feeling the pain by beatings at school. Iran was the ultimate evil for the past 40 years according to US presidents. I paid dearly to be a refugee. USS Vincent shot down and killed 290 civilians. That did not rattle your mind? You got out of poverty so what? In the first Gulf war 25,000 to 250,000 thousand died. That didn’t shock you? When did you reach adult maturity? When you changed uniforms to club prisoners. Please don’t play the victim card. Racism, discrimination, poverty, refugee status I faced it all and I still did not salute uniform personal ever in my life for a dime. As your candidate Shahid texted me “I hope you can sleep at night.” But I don’t think you will. This victims card by you and your candidate gets old. Be strong and proud. I guess for my last words I thank you for your service. Thank you for making all the wrong decisions in your life. Thanks for making me a refugee. Thanks for your love with your barrel of gun pointed at people like me. Thanks for making all the wonderful wrong decisions in your life.

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It was precisely Shahid’s position on authoritarianism, corrupt alphabet agencies, and US foreign policy that compelled me to support his campaign. I knew he was surgically undermined but not the vicious details. What terrifies me is how easily (supposedly) high-minded people are transfixed; spellbound by lies. Often when someone attempts to set the record straight, it feels contrived and defensive. Not so here 🙏

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Vicious (racist) lies. How is it, the left can’t see that everything (healthcare, housing, the environment, racial justice everywhere… all of it) hinges on authoritarianism and how the whole caball-of-wax buttresses US Empire? Shahid saw it all 🙏

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As per Jean's comment earlier - racism is certainly part of it, a carefully cultivated colonial perspective that can be used when necessary to derail threats to the establishment. However, do not overlook CLASS. Operatives for established Democrats staged a sex scandal against a white male candidate, Alex Morse, in Massachusetts the very same election cycle. Alex is gay. Like Shahid, Alex was challenging an incumbent from the left. Class and race often go together.

What is really fascinating to me is that the left can almost always be derailed by a sex scandal, even just rumors. The leaders on the left know this. Meanwhile, the right will never go down this way. Al Franken resigned. Jim Jordan still serves. Clinton was impeached for blowjob. Yet, Trump hardly gets any blowback for sleeping with prostitutes while married. Sex scandals really rile up a certain part of the democratic establishment. I know I may offend some, yet the image of a "pearl-clutching" liberal comes to mind.

When I saw the lame email from the DSA about Shahid, apropos of nothing, I figured it was something like this. The lesson here is always ask more questions and always follow the money.

(It is also interesting to see all the comments regarding Gloria's service in the Navy. This, too, is about poverty and class. The rich kids never serve on the front lines.)

Any regard, I was truly moved to see this article posted. I appreciate the personal risks Gloria is taking - both imminent and in the future. The ability of the rich and powerful to control the narrative is weakening thanks to the courage of people like her. Thank you.

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Now Shahid’s campaign supporters are calling me to change my comments. Let’s be clear I supported him, I contributed to his campaign and went to one of his fundraising events. But he is the one that sent me this article. He is the one that asked me to delete my comment. He is the one that forced me to pick a side. He is an unethical attorney since he did not even disclose the fact that he was in middle of a lawsuit. He lacks management and recruiting skills at a minimum. That’s your candidate Gloria!

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I'm sorry you had to deal with these ugly games. I never believed the smears, but I was and am still somewhat unsure of Buttar based on a Yasha Levine article: https://yasha.substack.com/p/shahid-buttar-the-cheesy-silicon

I'm not in his district, and if I was I'd have voted for almost anyone over Pelosi, but the EFF has taken some disturbing positions as of late. I believe that reigning in big tech is as important as mitigating the effects of global heating, and we probably have as little time to do it before we lose the possibility of democracy permanently. Hell, I might be labeled a DVE for saying this.

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Your politics is yours。My point is he was lied on and accused of sexual assault and deservres an apology。

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Gloria when did you serve with the Navy and correctional department? How many people died during your military service? How many folks suffered during your time as a corrections officer by your baton? They always say thanks for your service to military personal. But I don’t believe in respecting folks that dedicate their lives to wars. You have no credibility in my view.

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Hi. Thank you for your comment. Yes when I was seventeen I didn't see many career options. I drunk the kool aid believing that working in Tech in the Navy for twelve years would land me good employment as a civilian. I joined in 1987, women could not serve in combat back then. Never dedicated myself to war. It's sad that the military uses poor people to serve.

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The better way to put it is you served until 27 or 28. 6 to 7 years past your drinking age.

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Per request I have deleted my comment.

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If this is your democracy I don’t want any part of it or the candidates you support. I hear the military, Navy and corrections department are hiring. Maybe you and your candidate can rule better with guns and clubs. What a shame and a disappointment.

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Thanks for having an open forum on your blog. What a disappointment.

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WTF is wrong with you? Why aren't you using your energy to organize a new anti-war movement instead of trolling?

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Because her candidate Shahid contacted me.

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Gloria Berry I can assure you that I did not talk to Shahid about your Navy and correctional officer experience. I promised to keep my conversation with Shahid confidential and I will not share that. I reached my own conclusion after reading your history. One thing I missed in your online PR bios is lack of dates? The US has always been at war. I want to know what are your dates of service and what wars you supported with that blue uniform. I want to know why you didn’t become a teacher in a school or some other job instead of ruling with a batton as a correction officer? Did you serve when the Navy shot down an Iranian airliner? During the fist gulf war, the second? My bio is on LinkedIn. I am not proud of working at Amazon but at least after my time I documented my experience and share dates. Please update your charming bio with dates so we can tell how proud you where in those wars.

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Im not concened about who you talk to。I agree。You reached your own conclusion。i joined in 1987 in hgh school。I did not support any war。I actually passed the CBEST and was an assistant teacher。I tried to work in tech but no one would hire me。Yes I did serve during those times。I signed for six more years because my family was evicted。I wasnt proud at all。Anymore queston? I married someone just to get out。Extra for you。

If you dont think i have credibility thats fine。People involved with the smear are not debating the facts。✌🏽

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Gloria a proud Navy officer when Iran Air Flight 655

1988 scheduled civilian flight shot down by the United States Navy en route to Dubai from Tehran. Also the first gulf war. Maybe even the second. But I wouldnt want to assume that. Another wolf in sheep outfit when it is to your benefit.

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Was I proud?Was I an officer?Do you help young Black people get jpbs or just criticize us because we joined the poor peoples service? What do I benefit from this?

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